A downloadable game

You are now a Recast...

... a transforming superweapon of terrifying design, created by shadowy forces that lurk in the darkness.

Somehow, you are now free. Perhaps you escaped, or maybe you were released as part of their dark schemes. You return to the world a changed person, one that it does not accept.  Loved ones no longer recognize you, and dark forces hunt you down relentlessly.

In order to protect those you care about, hunt down monstrous Recast who rejected their humanity, and strike back against the Shadow Circle, you must transform.

Game Overview

Hero Complex is an action-horror tabletop RPG for 2-4 players and one game master. Players take the role of Recast, people changed by a horrific procedure that lets them transform into monstrous superhumans.  

To survive, players must investigate and battle Renegades; monstrous escapees that chose to use their powers for selfish and bloody gain. Each decision risks retaliation from the secretive Shadow Circle and may expose you all to the rest of the world. 

Combat is intense and tactical, with characters blind-picking a Moment to act on. Earlier Moments are less accurate but allow characters to set up their plans before others can react. Actions from later Moments hit harder and more accurately, but if your character delays too much they risk hesitatation and can get punished.

Hero Complex is currently in-development and in private playtesting. If you’re interested in finding other players, discussing the game, talking about the rules, asking about the world, or got some bugs to submit, please join the Hero Complex Discord.

Mechanics Breakdown

  • TRANSFORM into a unique superhuman weapon by mixing a NARRATIVE KIT, RECAST TYPE and WEAPON FORM.  Utilizing your Recast abilities outside of combat is useful, but costs Corruption. Corruption improves these abilities, but pushes you away from humanity.
  • PROTECT those important to you. CONNECTIONS are allied characters that can act in your stead. Though incredibly useful, you must keep them safe. They are only human.
  • STRUGGLE against your SHADOW, a negative aspect of your personality, to fuel your CONVICTION. Conviction brings massive boons in combat and narrative rolls.
  • INVESTIGATE by gathering CLUES to hunt and defeat your targets before your valuable TIME runs out.
  • BATTLE in nail-biting, cinematic Moment-to-Moment combat. Each Moment plays like a small sequence in a greater fight scene!
  • WAGE WAR against secret organizations who plot and scheme for world domination. Collateral damage will ESCALATE the situation, forcing enemy factions and the global government to take action.
  • TRADE SECRETS with other player characters you trust to gain improved co-operative actions. But be careful who you give them to; your secrets can be weaponized against you by those with conflicting GOALS.

Required Materials

  • 1 twenty-sided dice
  • 1-6 six-sided dice
  • Character sheets and a pen
  • The Combat Board and tokens
  • Some way to secretly message other players on the table, like post-it notes, or a messaging service

Development log


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Do you need a voice actor and/or sound designer for this game? I'm looking to build my video game portfolio and would love to help you!

 I can voice-act anything from narration to in-game grunts! I've attached my portfolio below:

Langi Tuifua